Courses & Course Descriptions

Associate/Bachelors/Master’s Degrees
in Christian Education.

All degree programs purport to offer a concentrated study of the
Bible from Genesis through Revelation within the time frame for each degree. The objective of this instruction is for students to understand and apply the teachings of the Bible to their lives, and to efficiently “divide the word of truth” with others. Additionally, along with the core courses, the Five-Fold courses are offered which are designed to equip the student with specific leadership skills necessary for the area of ministry to which they are called. All biblical studies courses are part of the core curriculum and are required for graduation.

  • 1. Interpretation of Scriptures – Hermeneutics
    2. The Kingdom of God and its Covenants
    3. The Life of Christ and Christlikeness
    4. Eschatology
    5. Stewardship and Serving
    6. Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance
    7. Intercessory Prayer
    8. Worship

  • 1. Evangelism I
    2. Evangelism II - Practicum
    3. Pastoral Education - Practicum
    4. Pastoral Counseling and Conflict Resolution
    5. Teaching Methodology I
    6. Teaching Methodology II - Practicum
    7. Prophetic Leadership I
    8. Prophetic Leadership II - Practicum
    9. Apostolic Leadership I
    10. Apostolic Leadership II and Church Planting - Practicum

  • This one-year program is designed to equip any student with the basic biblical understanding and ministry competencies to serve in Ministry to the Body of Christ. Specific core courses include:

    1. Hermeneutics
    2. The Kingdom of God
    3. The Life of Christ and Christlikeness
    4. Stewardship and Serving
    5. Intercessory Prayer
    6. Six credits of the applicable Five-Fold Ministry courses

    This student will be eligible for ordination.

Begin to Properly
Interpret the Scripture.

A homiletics/hermeneutical study of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges with emphasis on the Biblical Theology of these books, their genre, and application. (3 Credit hours).

Knowing these books and their message will demonstrate the overall movement of God toward His Christ, which will preface the way for an understanding of the books to follow and affect one’s life and those who are taught by considering their alignment with God’s plan and desires.

The Kingdom of God and its Covenants
A thematic study of the unfolding of the theocratic kingdom program throughout the Scriptures, tracing its origin, historical development in various forms, and its ultimate consummation in the reign of Christ, together with a study of the biblical covenants in relation to the kingdom and its citizenry.

The Life of Christ and Christlikeness
A chronological study of the life of Christ on the earth, based on a study of a harmony of the Gospel accounts. It is designed to familiarize the student thoroughly with the Lord’s ministry in order that any portion of the Gospel records may be related to the place, time, and circumstances of Christ’s life on earth. Further the course seeks to allow the student to self-reflect and to begin the process of Christlikeness in their life.

A study of eschatology, including various systems dealing with the end-time prophecies as outlined in the books of Daniel, Isaiah, and Revelation. Looking at the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Stewardship and Serving
This course helps servant/leaders understand biblical stewardship principles as a basis for encouraging Christian charity. Students will explore the Scriptures alongside theological and professional writings to develop a personal philosophy of stewardship and a resource development plan for an organization or church.

Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance
Students will learn how the prophetic is an absolute to moving with a power ministry to release people from the bondage associated with the demonic influences in the world today. We can impact cities and nations with our prophetic intercession. Successful ministries are backed by intercession and the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. The theology and Biblical principles will be encouraged and believed for. This is a learning and experiential course.

Intercessory Prayer
The basic theme of the training is to teach what Jesus taught, that which took men who were fishermen, tax collectors, etc., and changed them into reproductive Christians who reached their world with the Gospel in a demonstration of power through intercessory prayer.

This course provides a framework for thinking together about vital and faithful Christian worship by exploring the Biblical and theological foundations of worship, reviewing the ways the church’s praise has been shaped over the centuries, and analyzing today’s worship spectrum. Key elements in the practice and leadership of worship will be explored including the ordering of worship, the role of prayer and music, and models of collaborative worship planning.