Heard The Call?
Get Equipped!
Kingdom Citizens Bible School is here to teach, train and equip you to fulfill God’s calling for your life. Classes will be
online and starting soon.
We Believe...
That the Holy Bible is the Word of the Living God; true, without error, immutable, steadfast, unchangeable, inspired by the Lord God Jehovah; and penned by Holy men of old as they were moved upon and directed by the Holy Spirit;
That the Godhead is eternal and consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;
Man was created in God’s image, and because of man’s disobedience in Eden all men are sinners and justly deserve the condemnation of a just and Holy God;
That Jesus Christ died for the sins of all men, and whosoever will call upon His name will be saved from eternal death;
That the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit accompanies salvation;
That Jesus is returning again to take His own unto Himself;
That marriage is ordained by God and is the union between one man and one woman;
That human life is sacred and begins at conception.